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The Saiyan Journey: Exploring All Saiyan Forms in Order

When it comes to the Dragon Ball series, one of the most fascinating aspects is the incredible transformations that Saiyans are capable of. These transformations not only showcase their immense power but also bring forth new abilities and unique appearances. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the legendary Saiyan forms and explore them in chronological order. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on an extraordinary journey through the Saiyan lineage!

1. Super Saiyan

The first and most iconic Saiyan form is the Super Saiyan. This form was first achieved by Goku during his intense battle with Frieza on Planet Namek. As the legend goes, a Saiyan must experience an extreme level of anger and frustration to tap into this form. When a Saiyan becomes a Super Saiyan, their hair turns golden, their eyes become green, and their power level increases dramatically.

In our DBZ Store, you can find a wide range of merchandise dedicated to the Super Saiyan form, including action figures, t-shirts, and collectibles. Show off your love for this legendary form by adding these items to your collection!

2. Super Saiyan 2

The next transformation in line is the Super Saiyan 2. This form takes the Super Saiyan power to a whole new level. When a Saiyan achieves Super Saiyan 2, their hair becomes spikier, their muscle mass increases, and electricity starts to surge around their body. This form was first witnessed during the Cell Games when Gohan tapped into his hidden power to defeat the powerful Cell.

3. Super Saiyan 3

The third form is the Super Saiyan 3, which is known for its distinct long hair and lack of eyebrows. Goku was the first to achieve this form during his training in Other World. The Super Saiyan 3 form allows the Saiyan to unleash an incredible amount of power, but it comes at a cost - a significant drain on the user's energy. Due to this drawback, Goku can only sustain this form for a limited time.

4. Super Saiyan 4

Super Saiyan 4 is a unique transformation that is exclusive to the non-canonical Dragon Ball GT series. This form takes a different approach compared to the previous Super Saiyan forms. Instead of golden hair, the Saiyan's hair becomes dark red, and their body is covered in red fur. The Saiyan gains tremendous power, and their tail grows back, which adds an extra element to their combat abilities.

If you are a fan of the Super Saiyan 4 transformation, you'll love the Super Saiyan 4 Goku action figure available at our DBZ Store. It's a must-have collectible for any Dragon Ball enthusiast!

5. Super Saiyan God

The Super Saiyan God form was introduced in the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods movie. This form is achieved through a ritual involving multiple Saiyans. When a Saiyan becomes a Super Saiyan God, their appearance changes drastically. Their hair turns bright red, and their eyes become silver. This form grants the user god-like power and is the stepping stone to even more powerful transformations.

6. Super Saiyan Blue (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan)

Super Saiyan Blue, also known as Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, is the combination of Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God forms. This transformation first appeared in the Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' movie. The Saiyan's hair turns blue, and their aura becomes fiery blue. This form allows the user to harness the power of Super Saiyan God while maintaining the benefits of the Super Saiyan form.

At our DBZ Store, you can find various Super Saiyan Blue merchandise, including clothing items and accessories. Show your love for this powerful form by adding these items to your collection!

7. Ultra Instinct

Ultra Instinct is one of the most awe-inspiring transformations in the Dragon Ball series. This form grants the user an incredible level of speed, agility, and power. What sets Ultra Instinct apart from other forms is that it is not achieved through anger or training but rather through a state of extreme focus and calmness. When a Saiyan achieves Ultra Instinct, their hair becomes silver, and their eyes turn white.

8. Super Saiyan Blue Evolution

Super Saiyan Blue Evolution is an advanced version of the Super Saiyan Blue form. This form was first achieved by Vegeta during the Tournament of Power arc in Dragon Ball Super. Super Saiyan Blue Evolution enhances the user's power and speed even further, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.

9. Super Saiyan Berserk (Legendary Super Saiyan)

The Legendary Super Saiyan form, also known as Super Saiyan Berserk, is a unique form that only a select few Saiyans can achieve. This form is characterized by its massive size, green-tinted hair, and intense power. Broly, one of the most popular characters in the Dragon Ball series, is known for his ability to tap into this unstoppable form.

If you're a fan of Broly and his Legendary Super Saiyan form, you can find a wide range of Broly-themed merchandise at our DBZ Store. From t-shirts to posters, we have everything you need to showcase your love for this legendary Saiyan!

10. Super Saiyan Rose

The final form on our list is Super Saiyan Rose. This form is exclusive to Goku Black, a villain from the Future Trunks arc in Dragon Ball Super. Super Saiyan Rose features Goku Black with pink hair and an aura of dark pinkish-purple. This form combines the power of Super Saiyan with Goku Black's godly status, making him an immensely formidable opponent.


The Saiyan journey is filled with incredible transformations that captivate fans all around the world. From the iconic Super Saiyan form to the awe-inspiring Ultra Instinct and beyond, each form brings something unique to the table. At our DBZ Store, we celebrate the Saiyan lineage by offering a wide range of merchandise dedicated to these legendary transformations. So, whether you're a fan of Super Saiyan Blue or Super Saiyan Berserk, be sure to check out our store and add some Saiyan power to your collection!

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